
At Kortext, I joined the team as an intern shortly after graduating in 2018 and remained with them until 2022. During this time, I gained experience in both marketing and product development. I transitioned into the role of a product designer, contributing to the design and user experience of the app reader as well as the marketing site. Over the years, Kortext has experienced significant growth, becoming one of the most widely used reading and study tools in universities. It's worth noting that Kortext provides an online learning platform, offering access to over 4 million digital textbooks and other learning content to universities

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Users faced challenges in understanding the purpose of the product and comprehending Kortext's value for students, librarians, educators, and publishers. The old website's visual presentation contributed to the struggle, appearing cluttered and deviating from the brand's intended message. Despite containing all the necessary content, an excess of information added to the confusion rather than promoting clarity.

It's worth highlighting that Kortext provides an online learning platform, granting access to over 4 million digital textbooks and additional learning materials tailored for universities. To gain comprehensive insights into the overall user experience, we conducted a thorough analysis of both direct and indirect competitors' websites. This analysis revealed several areas for improvement, prompting our efforts to enhance the design and functionality of the marketing website.

My responsibilities

  • Product Design

  • Prototyping

  • User Testing

  • User Persona Mapping

  • Branding


digital text book on the platform




universities uses globally


raised in 2021

User personas

User personas

User personas

Personas were created by conducting user research and identifying common pain points, which are UX issues that frustrate and inhibit users from getting what they need from a product

Affinity mapping

Affinity mapping

It took us a few workshops with key stakeholders (the business) to understand company vision, overall goals and challenges. It helped us to compile comparative user journeys and scenario maps

Porduct goals

Porduct goals

Porduct goals

  • Streamlined content for an engaging and efficient website

  • Visuals serve as markers for content categories

  • Enhances user experience, particularly for an international audience

  • Prioritised impactful illustrations in UI design

It's all coming together

In our approach to UI design, we prioritised the integration of illustrations from the initial wire-framing stage. Recognizing the importance of capturing users' attention and generating interest, we aimed to eliminate cluttered information and complement copy and articles with visuals. Following valuable feedback from the team, I created illustrations that underwent selection in workshops, ensuring they effectively achieved the initial engagement step. Applying minimalist principles, we sought to create an attractive and efficient website with simple user interactions, using illustrations as visual markers for content categories and copy rubrics. This approach not only enhanced messaging but also aligned with the goal of keeping the design both fun and minimal. Emphasizing the significance of visuals in communication, especially for an increasingly international user base like Kortext's, we recognized that images convey information faster and serve as a more universal tool than text. Ultimately, a powerful visual concept became the driving force behind Kortext's enhanced user experience, designed to meet the expectations of the diverse target audience.

Oh this is the highlight!

Oh this is the highlight!

Oh this is the highlight!

Over the years at Kortext, I undertook various design projects, ranging from marketing to product design. One notable project was the marketing site, but it's important to mention that I also contributed to designs for the app reader while working as a product designer. Our team worked on implementing features such as groups, workbooks, and more. I also played a role in designing analytics and a website for a sister company called Keylinks.

Since my time at Kortext, the company has continued to grow and is now one of the leading products in the education tools industry. Throughout my four years there, I started as an intern and transitioned into product design with passion. These early projects as a young graduate marked the beginning of my career growth, and I have fond memories of witnessing the company's inspiring expansion. The highlight is that these were among the first projects that shaped me into the designer I am today.

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